Friday, December 17, 2010
Lawatan ke Singapura
15 Disember 2010 - Seramai 80 orang yang terdiri daripada peserta kursus, tenaga pengajar dan staff KPYPJ telah melawat Kota Singapura pada hari ini. Lawatan sambil belajar ini dilaksanakan bagi memberi peluang pendedahan antarabangsa yang sangat dititikberatkan oleh pihak kerajaan pada masa ini. Lokasi pertama lawatan ini adalah The Shatec Institute, sebuah kolej perhotelan terkemuka di dunia. Institut ini mempunyai ribuan pelajar dari seluruh dunia dan alumni yang memegang jawatan tertinggi di hotel-hotel di seluruh dunia. Menurut Ketua Eksekutif IHYPJ, En Mohd Asmadi Hj Alias "Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan peserta kursus hospitaliti, sudah tentulah keperluan pendedahan luar negara diperlukan agar mereka dapat memberikan citarasa antarabangsa apabila mereka memberikan khidmat di dalam industri ini kelak. Lawatan ke Shatec Institut ini adalah bertepatan dengan standard industri hospitaliti kelas dunia. Di harap peserta kursus ini pulang dan dapat memberikan yang terbaik untuk organisasi hospitaliti di Iskandar Malaysia terutamanya apabila Legoland, Pinewood Studios dan Johor Premium Outlet mula dibuka akhir tahun 2011 nanti." Lawatan ini juga mengambil peluang melawat tempat-tempat menarik di Singapura seperi taman Merlion, Kampung Glam, Pulau Sentosa dan juga Resorts World yang menempatkan Universal Studios, Singapura.
A total of 80 persons consisting of participants, trainers and KPYPJ staffs visited the city of Singapore today. Study visits are conducted to provide opportunities for international exposure that is emphasized by the government at this time. The first site visited is The Shatec Institute, a leading hospitality colleges in the world. The Institute has thousands of students and alumni from around the world who hold the highest positions in hotels across the world. According IHYPJ Chief Executive, Mr Mohd Asmadi Hj Alias "To enhance participants' skills of hospitality, it would need international exposure needed for them to give an international flavor when they provide service in the industry soon. The Shatec visit is surely relevent as it is a the world class hospitality industry college. After this visit, participants hope to return and to provide their best for hospitality organizations in the Iskandar Malaysia, especially when Legoland, Pinewood Studios and Johor Premium Outlets are expected to open in the 4th quarter of 2011." The visit also took the opportunity to visit interesting places such as Merlion Park Singapore, Kampung Glam, Sentosa Island and Resorts World which houses Universal Studios, Singapore.
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