Monday, July 26, 2010

Pelajar IHYPJ Menyertai MIFB di PWTC Kuala Lumpur

24 Julai 2010 - Seramai 35 pelajar dan 8 orang pensyarah IHYPJ menyertai pameran 11th Malaysia International Food and Beverage (MIFB ) Trade Fair yang diadakan di PWTC , Kuala Lumpur. Pameran ini menyediakan ruang pameran makanan dan minuman dari seluruh dunia dari aspek industri , produk, proses dan jenama. Para pensyarah dan pelajar juga mendapat idea baru dalam proses pembentukan produk baru serta peluang meluaskan pengaruh produk berkenaan melalui pemasaran dari pelbagai peringkat. Sesungguhnya program seperti ini sangat bermanfaat kepada pelajar dan staff IHYPJ. Di harap pihak kolej dapat menghantar pelajar ke program-program seperti ini bagi meningkatkan tahap ketrampilan pelajar IHYPJ.

July 24, 2010 - A total of 35 students and eight lecturers had participated in the 11th Malaysia International Food and Beverage (MIFB) Trade Fair Exhibition held in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. This exhibition presents not only food and drinks from around the world, but attendees were exposed with the industries, products, processes and brands awareness. The lecturers and students also have a new idea in the formation of new products and expand the opportunities of marketing the product through various stages. Indeed, the program is very useful to students and staff IHYPJ. It is hoped that IHYPJ will send more students to these programs to improve student skills IHYPJ.

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